If you want to learn more about the Ming Dynasty, more than two hundred years of history, you can’t avoid the topic of eunuchs. Similar to many ancient Chinese dynasties, the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were not only watchdogs but also spies.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, in order to strengthen authority, Zhu Yuanzhang once stipulated in law that eunuchs could not interfere in politics. However, After Zhu Di became the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he didn’t follow his father’s instructions.

More and more eunuchs began to do things beyond their duty, such as commanding the army and dealing with diplomatic policy. Starting with Zhu Di, the power of the Ming eunuchs had been growing and eventually became a factor of collapse.

It’s hard to be a eunuch in the Ming Dynasty 

Due to the power balance, the duty and power of eunuchs changed significantly, leading to fierce competition for the job of eunuchs.

If you live in the Ming Dynasty and want to be a eunuch, you need to meet a lot of conditions to succeed. First, the best age to become a eunuch is between 15 and 20 years old. Once over the age of 20, the chances of becoming a eunuch are extremely low.

Second, to be a eunuch in the Ming Dynasty, you must be handsome. Because the eunuch needed to serve the emperor and concubines, the ugly face would be unpleasant for the master.

Third, Ming laws stipulated that people couldn’t castrate themselves without permission. To be a eunuch, one must obtain the approval of the local government in advance. Otherwise, you would be punished.

Fourth, when the process of castration was completed, those who apply for eunuchs would face elimination. The elimination rate was very high. Only one in five of all applicants could become eunuchs.

This also brought a problem that those who fail to realize their eunuch’s dream would become painful.

Because of the influence of Chinese traditional culture, the eunuchs weren’t a complete person in their body structure, which makes it difficult for them to find another job after the application fails.

But if you can get a recommendation from the eunuchs in the palace, the assessment criteria would be lowered or even directly hired. Just like Wei Zhongxian, he had no chance of becoming a formal eunuch without being recommended.

In conclusion

The expansion of eunuch’s power led many people to want to be eunuchs, but few succeeded. At the same time, Confucianism believes that the parents give the body, and if someone harms the body, it’s not filial. Therefore, many people became eunuchs because of poverty and punishment rather than free choice.